Island Creek Community Recognition Bucks
Come to Events or Volunteer and get Recognition Bucks to Spend at our Community Auction!

ICC Auction May 2017

How it Works
Island Creek Community loves to recognize our fantastic volunteers! We invite all of you to join us for our annual Recognition Dinner and Auction. Yes, we auction off Girl Scout products and items to benefit your troop. But we don’t use actual money; instead, we use Recognition Bucks! Each time a volunteer from your troop volunteers for a Community event, your troop will receive credit toward Recognition Bucks, to be spent at the auction. Credit for the Bucks goes to the troop, so your troop Leadership Team can work together to “buy” items for your troop at the auction. It’s always a fun evening of planning, plotting, last-minute deals, and laughter. And you can go home with new things to help inspire your troop for the next year!
Below is a current list of Recognition Bucks your troop can receive:
For each adult who attends (and signs in) a Community Cafe/Summit: $100
For each adult who serves on a planning committee for a Community event: $150
For each adult who volunteers for the Community at an event: $200
For each adult who volunteers at a Cookie Drop: $300
For each new troop: $400
For each established troop that accepts new members during the year: $300
For each troop that had 3/4 of its troop Early Bird for the 2017/18 year: $250
For the 3 top selling troops for fall products and for cookies: $100
For each troop that had at least one girl earn a major award: $300
For each adult who the CST feels went "above and beyond" during the year: $300
For each adult who RSVPs for the recognition dinner: $200
For each adult who sends a record of their Council-led training (e.g., Events, canoe, or mentor training) to the Recognitions email: $200
It’s easy to earn Recognition Bucks! For example, if your troop leader and co-leader both attend a Community Summit, your troop receives $200 in Recognition Bucks. If your troop accepts a new member during the year, that’s an extra $300. Amounts can build quickly, especially if you get more volunteers in your troop who are interested in helping with Community events. Any registered adult is welcome to volunteer for the Community.
If you have suggestions for other Community activities that deserve Recognition Bucks, please email islandcreek.recognitions@gmail.com .